Yes, it's possible. You will have to wait for any results attributed to that host to be purged from the database first though. Go to "your account", results, and see how many results are attributed to it, then wait for Einstein to purge them. If there aren't any then select host, and click on Delete host. You can merge like computers if that helps any. Sometimes duplicate hosts are created.
removing computers from list
Yes, it's possible. You will have to wait for any results attributed to that host to be purged from the database first though. Go to "your account", results, and see how many results are attributed to it, then wait for Einstein to purge them. If there aren't any then select host, and click on Delete host. You can merge like computers if that helps any. Sometimes duplicate hosts are created.
hope this helps
Still no possibility to
Still no possibility to delete computer.
Kitrich wrote: Still no
Here is one of my pc's that I renamed to something else but is still on my list, as you can see at the bottom the delete option is there:
My suspicion is once it has
My suspicion is once it has been inactive for 30 days and is no longer on the current list you might be able to delete it.
If merge is available with any current system I would do that instead.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote: My suspicion is
Yes I always try the Merge option first but sometimes it doesn't think anything is a close enough match