Press Coverage

WebSite Language Description Date
Astronews German Zehn neue Neutronensterne in Terzan 5 entdeckt 2024/07/18 English Telescope tag-team discovers 10 strange and exotic pulsars 2024/07/16
Astronews German Fermi – Neuer Katalog enthält fast 300 Gammapulsare 2023/11/28
Astronews German Zooniverse und Einstein@Home – Gemeinsame Suche nach bislang unentdeckten Pulsaren 2023/11/06
CBS58 English UWM empowering 'citizen scientists' to contribute to astrophysical research 2023/11/03
PCGH German AMD Ryzen 8000: Engineering Sample deutet verdächtig auf Zen 5 hin 2023/06/08
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft German Im Spiegel des Universums 2023/01/25
Bürger schaffen Wissen German Mit Citizen Science durch das Wissenschaftsjahr 2023 - Unser Universum 2023/01/25
Hello PhD podcast English Change Your Plans, Not Your Goals 2022/01/31
PC Gamer English Volunteer computing is narrowing down the search for neutron stars 2021/09/07
FAZ German Ein Volk von Prozessoren für die Wissenschaft 2021/08/23
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft German Die Jagd nach den kosmischen Leuchttürmen 2021/06/09
Wissen Was mit @Doktor Whatson German Schwarze Witwe im Weltall | Einstein@Home 2021/05/31
Gizmodo Brazil Portugese Raios gama misteriosos são causados por pulsar que está consumindo uma estrela aos poucos 2021/02/13
Cumhuriyet Turkish Dünya'ya gelen gizemli gama ışını patlamalarının kaynağı bulundu 2021/02/06
scinexx German Gammastrahlenquelle entpuppt sich als „Schwarze Witwe“ 2021/02/05
IFL Science English Power Behind Mysterious Gamma-Ray Source Revealed Thanks To Thousands Of Volunteers 2021/02/05
Astronomy Now English Einstein@Home helps researchers confirm ‘black widow’ pulsar in binary system 2021/02/05
Sputnik France French La nature de cette source mystérieuse du rayonnement gamma désormais connue 2021/02/03
IGN English Black Widow Star Is the Source of Gamma Radiation in the Milky Way 2020/10/28
Science Alert English Extreme 'Black Widow' Star Identified as Source of Mystery Gamma Radiation 2020/10/27
Spektrum der Wissenschaft German Im Griff der Schwarzen Witwe 2020/10/27
Media INAF Italian Scoperta con l’aiuto dei volontari del progresso Einstein@Home 2020/10/26
20 minutos Spanish Identifican una fuente misteriosa galáctica de rayos gamma que bate récords 2020/10/25
AAS Nova English A Cosmic Dance from Einstein@Home 2020/10/23
IFL Science English Newly Discovered Star System Is A Record-Breaking Oddity 2020/10/22 English One of the Fastest-Spinning Stars in the Galaxy Is Spitting Out Gamma Rays 2019/09/30
Trust my Science French Les astronomes ont détecté des rayons gamma provenant d’un pulsar extrême qui tourne 707 fois sur lui-même par seconde 2019/09/27
International Business Times (Singapore) English Neutron star that spins 707 times a second sends gamma rays into the universe, can be seen even from earth 2019/09/26
Sputnik Brasil Portugese Astrônomos descobrem raios gama emitidos por pulsar que roda 707 vezes por segundo 2019/09/25
Mashable India English Astronomers Detect Powerful Pulsating Gamma Rays Emitting From A Neutron Star 2019/09/24
Science Alert English Astronomers Detect Gamma Rays From an Extreme Pulsar Spinning 707 Times Per Second 2019/09/24
IFL Science English Pulsating Gamma-Rays Detected For Second-Fastest Spinning Pulsar 2019/09/20
The Mancunion English Citizen Can: what you can do for science 2018/10/19
Der Standard German Bisher unbekannte Art von Neutronensternen entdeckt 2018/03/05
The Daily Galaxy English Glow From Hidden Population of Pulsars Detected Near Center of the Milky Way 2018/03/02 Spanish Ciencia ciudadana en el descubrimiento de dos estrellas de neutrones 2018/03/02
scinexx German Astronomen entdecken "stummen" Pulsar 2018/03/02
Media INAF Italian Velocissima stella di neutroni in “silenzio radio” 2018/02/28
NASA Fermi Portal English Tech Talk: How do scientists discover new Fermi pulsars? 2018/02/09
Pharmazeutische Zeitung German Wenn Bürger forschen 2017/08/30
Elektronik Praxis German Gravitationswellen aus dem Heimcomputer 2017/06/14
Sterne und Weltraum German Neutronensterne auf dem Smartphone 2017/06/13
MaxPlanckForschung English Gravitational Waves on Home Computers 2017/04/15
astroPT Portugese 13 novos Pulsares descobertos por projeto Voluntário 2017/01/16
The Register English Home Einsteins help turn up 13 new pulsars 2017/01/15
AstroNews Russian В рамках проекта распределенных вычислений открыто 13 новых гамма-пульсаров 2017/01/13
IFL Science English 13 New Pulsars Discovered Thanks To Citizen Science Project 2017/01/12 German Zahlreiche neue Gammapulsare entdeckt 2017/01/12
MeteoWeb Italian Astronomia: scoperte 13 nuove pulsar a emissione gamma grazie ad “Einstein@Home” 2017/01/12
The Register English Home Einsteins help turn up 13 new pulsars 2017/01/15 English Distributed computing project Einstein@Home discovers 13 new gamma-ray pulsars 2017/01/11
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Italian 13 nuove pulsar da Fermi 2017/01/11
Physics Central English Crowdsourcing Discovery: Meet the Massive Binary System Detected by Einstein@Home 2016/12/28
SyfyWire English Your PC may have just found a rare pulsar system. 2016/12/23
Astronomy Magazine English Amateur astronomers discover a binary pulsar system on crowdsourced technology 2016/12/16
Saarbrücker Zeitung German Hobby-Forscher entdecken ein bizarres Sonnensystem 2016/12/14
Foreign Policy English The 100 Leading Global Thinkers of 2016 2016/12/12
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Italian La danza delle pulsar 2016/12/09
Urania - Postępy Astronomii Polish Odkryto najmasywniejszy układ podwójny gwiazd neutronowych w projekcie Einstein@home 2016/12/09
The Christian Science Monitor English Gravitational-wave observatory gets back to spotting spacetime weirdness 2016/12/01
Nature English Citizen scientists take on latest gravitational-wave data 2016/03/09
NDR Online German Auf der Suche nach dem eigenen Stern 2016/02/17
mother nature network English Want to help find the next gravitational wave? 2016/02/16
NDR Online German Forscher werden - ganz ohne Abschluss 2016/02/17
Süddeutsche Zeitung German PC im Dienst der Forschung: Rechenkraft für Wissenschaft 2015/11/17
Saarrücker Zeitung German Sternensuche mit dem Heim-PC 2015/11/05
The Huffington Post English So You Want to Be a (Citizen) Scientist? 2015/09/29
AAS Nova English Einstein@Home Finds an Elusive Pulsar 2015/08/19
N24 German Wenn PC-Nutzer helfen, einen Neutronenstern zu entdecken 2015/08/11
Welt am Sonntag German Befund 2015/08/11
Supercomputing Online English Pletsch discovers gamma-ray pulsar with supercomputing from Einstein@Home 2015/08/09
Pro-Physik German Freiwillige helfen bei Fund von Gamma-Pulsar 2015/08/07 German Neues Verfahren enttarnt Gammapulsar 2015/08/07
Fusion English Your computer could help unlock the universe’s mysteries in its free time 2015/01/06
n-tv German Zu Hause ein bisschen Einstein sein 2014/12/26
Heise German Mitmach-Projekte der Wissenschaft finden regen Zuspruch 2014/12/26
Spektrum German Citizen-Science - Astronomie für Regentage 2014/07/11
Die Welt German So lassen Sie Ihren Computer ehrenamtlich arbeiten 2014/05/24
The Age English Use of citizens a scientific breakthrough in data collection 2014/03/23 English Home computers discover gamma-ray pulsars 2013/11/26
Pro-Physik German Gammapulsare fischen mit dem PC 2013/11/26 German Globaler Supercomputer findet besonders interessante Pulsare 2013/09/02
SciTechDaily English Einstein@Home Project Discovers 24 New Pulsars in Archival Data 2013/08/29 English Neutron stars in the computer cloud 2013/08/29
Android Community English BOINC software creates a distributed smartphone computer system 2013/03/27
Android Community English BOINC software creates a distributed smartphone computer system 2013/03/27
Wired English Professor Enlists Android Phones in Search for Black Holes 2013/03/27
Universe Today English Pulsar Jackpot Scours Old Data for New Discoveries 2013/02/28
Pakistan Post English Einstein@Home Project Discovers 24 New Pulsars in Archival Data 2013/02/11
MIT Technology Review English Einstein@Home Project Discovers 24 New Pulsars in Old Data 2013/02/11
nano (3sat) German Ein Pulsar mit Schluckauf – Max-Planck Forscher sehen unruhige Rotation 2012/07/30 English Oddball Pulsating Star Hiccups as It Spins 2012/07/26
Pro-Physik German Verschwundener Gamma-Pulsar wieder aufgespürt 2012/07/24
Washington Post English How you can help Einstein@Home 2012/04/20
Sterne und Weltraum German Hinter den Kulissen von Einstein@Home 2011/10/14
livescience English Exploring Our Universe With Einstein At Home 2011/03/01
HPC wire English GPUs Spur Discovery of New Pulsar 2011/03/01
Cosmic Log English Volunteers find another prize pulsar 2011/03/01
Scientific American English Einstein@Home Taps Donated PC Graphics Processors to Uncover a Second Pulsar 2011/03/01
WUWM English Radio interview with Bruce Allen about Einstein@Home 2011/02/08 German Online geliehene Rechenleistung 2011/01/20
The Orange County Register English How to catch a wave in space and time 2010/12/1
Sterne und Weltraum German Pulsare mit dem Heimcomputer entdeckt! 2010/11/19
Live Science English Science Projects That Can Run Right on Your Home Computer 2010/09/20 German Erster Erfolg mit Einstein at Home 2010/09/18 English Citizens in space 2010/09/14
Agence Science Presse French Astronomie citoyenne 2010/09/14
Telepolis German Angeschaltet bleiben für Arecibo 2010/08/20 English Virtual thinkers solving real world problems 2010/09/08
Corriere del Ticino Italian La pulsar nel tuo computer 2010/08/20
Futurity English How to find a pulsar with your home PC 2010/08/18
WUWM Radio English Volunteers Locate New Star Via Computer (Audio) 2010/08/17
Sky and Telescope English Home Computers Dredge Up Weird Pulsar 2010/08/17
Il Sole 24 ore Italian Scopri una stella col tuo pc 2010/08/17
Wissenschaft und Technik German Rasant rotierender Pulsar per Rechnerverbund entdeckt 2010/08/17
Die Rheinpfalz German Astrophysik ganz privat 2010/08/16
Роскосмоса Russian Астрономы-любители обнаружили неизвестный пульсар в созвездии Лисички 2010/08/16 Chinese 平民科学家用家用电脑发现罕见脉冲星 2010/08/16
Switched English Citizen Scientists Use Einstein@Home Screensaver to Discover a New Pulsar 2010/08/15
n-tv Online German Amateure entdecken Radiopulsar 2010/08/15
Rhein-Zeitung German Weltweites Rechnen: Mainzer Informatiker entdeckt Pulsar-Stern 2010/08/15
Science 2.0 English Citizen Scientists Discover New Pulsar With Einstein@Home 2010/08/14
La Crónica de Hoy Spanish En casa, astrónomos aficionados hallan una estrella de neutrones 2010/08/14 Japanese Einstein@Home にてパルサーが発見される 2010/08/14
Australian Geographic English Strange pulsar found by volunteer army 2010/08/13
Astronomy Now English Citizen scientists make pulsar discovery 2010/08/13
BBC World Service English Science In Action (Audio) 2010/08/13
Network World English Volunteer scientists aid in discovery of neutron star 2010/08/13
FOX News English PC Screen Saver Leads to Discovery of New Star 2010/08/13
Boston Globe English Home PCs help make a celestial discovery 2010/08/13
Albuquerque English Amateurs discover pulsar with Einstein @ home software and become stars themselves 2010/08/13
BBC online English Home computers discover rare star 2010/08/13
Astronomy Now Online English Citizen scientists make pulsar discovery 2010/08/13
Handford News English Worldwide home computer system discovers new collapsed star 2010/08/13
Zeit Online German Alle suchen Einsteins Wellen 2010/08/13
Spiegel online German Amateurforscher entdecken spektakulären Pulsar 2010/08/13
Universum Online Magazin German Astronomen und Physiker: Wettstreit um Pulsare und Gravitationswellen 2010/08/13
Wiener Zeitung German 'Amateur-Physiker' finden Himmelskörper im Universum 2010/08/13
Astronomie Heute German Amateurwissenschaftler entdecken mit Einstein@Home einen neuen Pulsar 2010/08/13
Golem German Einstein@Home entdeckt Pulsar 2010/08/13
Wissenschaft aktuell German Pulsar-Entdeckung per Bildschirmschoner 2010/08/13 German Amateure finden neuen Pulsar 2010/08/13
Le Figaro French Ces amateurs qui font avancer la recherche 2010/08/13 French L'astronomie citoyenne à l'honneur 2010/08/13
Sciences et Avenir French Un pulsar découvert par des amateurs 2010/08/13
Correio Braziliense Portuguese Astrônomos amadores descobrem nova estrela com espaço de PCs particulares 2010/08/13
Газета.Ru Russian Обывательская астрономия 2010/08/13
Лента.Ру Russian Домашний компьютер впервые обнаружил странный пульсар 2010/08/13 Polish Pierwszy sukces Einstein@home 2010/08/13
POPSCI English Using Home Astronomy Software, Citizen Scientists Discover New Pulsar 2010/08/12
ars technica English BOINC bags a pulsar via Einstein@Home distributed computing 2010/08/12
PRI's The World English Einstein@Home makes discover (Audio MP3) 2010/08/12
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel English Distant star flares at UWM 2010/08/12
NSF English Einstein@Home 'Citizen Scientists' Discover a New Pulsar in Arecibo Telescope Data 2010/08/12
80 beats – Discover Magazine Blogs English Crowdsourced Science Success: Einstein@Home Participants Find a Pulsar 2010/08/12
Wired English Citizen scientists make first deep space discovery with Einstein@Home 2010/08/12
Nature English Home computer finds rare pulsar 2010/08/12
Scientific American English Volunteers Idle Computer Time Turns Up a Celestial Oddball 2010/08/12
Cosmic Log on MSNBC English Trio finds a pulsar ... and so can you 2010/08/12
Voice of America English Citizen Scientists Discover Rare Pulsar Using Home Computers 2010/08/12
Inside Science English Donated Computer Time Discovers New Star 2010/08/12 English Home PCs help find fast-rotating star 2010/08/12
ScienceNews English The people's pulsar 2010/08/12
Science English Astronomical Find by Three Average Joes 2010/08/12
The Planetary Society Blog English New Pulsar Discovery Shows Power of Citizen Scientists…and Planetary Society Members 2010/08/12
Heise News Ticker German Einstein@home-Teilnehmer finden Pulsar 2010/08/12
Der Standard German Amateure entdecken Pulsar 2010/08/12
Gulli German Einstein@home: Freiwillige entdecken Pulsar 2010/08/12
EurekAlert French Des « scientifiques citoyens » d’Einstein@Home découvrent un nouveau pulsar 2010/08/12
AFP French Des astronomes 'citoyens' découvrent un nouveau pulsar 2010/08/12
EL PAÍS Spanish Una estrella descubierta desde casa 2010/08/12
AFP Portuguese Astrônomos cidadãos' descobrem nova estrela de nêutrons 2010/08/12
American Physical Society English   2008/07/03
New Scientist Tech English Akos Fekete 2006/05/17
The Brownsville Herald English   2005/12/15
Beyond Einstein Webcast English Video (real media) 2005/12/12
WUWM radio English Audio 2005/10/20
The Institute (IEEE) English   2005/09/12
Max Planck Gesellschaft German   2005/08/29
Astronomie Heute German   2005/08/14
The Kojo Nnamdi Show [real audio] English Audio 2005/05/22
The Register-Guard English Eugene, Oregon 2005/05/22
Sky and Telescope English July 2005, page 39. Not available on-line. 2005/05/17
Science Grid This Week English   2005/05/04
Scientific American English Subscription required 2005/04/24
Baltimore Sun English free subscription or Google cache 2005/04/22
Knight Ridder Newspapers English   2005/04/22
Sydney Morning Herald English   2005/04/15 English Blog 2005/03/20
Zeit Wissen German   2005/03/16
NewScientist English   2005/03/14
Fisica y Sociedad Spanish   2005/03/09
KIDK-TV (Idaho Falls, ID) English   2005/03/09
USA TODAY English WYP article mentions E@H 2005/03/07
AAAS NetWatch English   2005/03/04
Futura Sciences French   2005/03/04
Der Tagesspiegel German   2005/03/04
Radio Canada French Audio 2005/02/27
Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten German   2005/02/23
FAZ.NET German   2005/02/23
American Public Media [real audio] English Audio 2005/02/23
UWM News English   2005/02/23
Heise Online German   2005/02/23
Hamburger Abendblatt German   2005/02/22
The Columbus Dispatch English   2005/02/22
San Jose Business Journal English   2005/02/21
Geoscience Online German   2005/02/21 [mp3] English Audio 2005/02/20
Slashdot English   2005/02/19
Astronomy magazine English   2005/02/19
Gadgetopia English   2005/02/19
MSNBC English   2005/02/19
AAAS English Einstein@Home was launched at the annual AAAS meeting 2005/02/19
Supercomputing Online English   2005/02/18 English   2005/02/18
EurekAlert! English Press Release 2005/02/18
die Zeit German   2005/02/10
BoingBoing English   2005/02/07 German   2005/02/04
Le Nouvel Observateur French   2005/02/02 English   2005/02/02
erster kontakt German   ??? English   2005/01/31
New York Times English World Year of Physics article mentions E@H 2005/01/25
Times Online English   2004/11/24
Slashdot English   2004/07/15
Wikipedia English Not news but pretty cool!