In my belief all living creatures are like stars with a determined lifetime. On the scene of existence, they consume their fuel until the moment of death when this consumption reaches its highest level of energy and aftermath : the great silence.
Living creatures left like some stars a sort of magnetic camp after death. I call this magnetic camp , a living quasar or a living black hole. This
phenomenon is the cause of some places in which living creatures have died , for having some magnetic effect from which escaping become sometimes
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Living Quasars !
Can you link to reports on this phenomenon?
Hmm, I've been in the
Hmm, I've been in the execution chamber of an old prison. It was probably imagination and power of suggestion, but that place had a wierd feeling to it.
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The human mind is quite the
The human mind is quite the phenomenon.
verty, I don't know if this link is helpful, but I'd really like to hear what Ariane thinks of it:
Anthropomorphism and Related Phenomena
It's a bit wordy, but easy to skim.
If, by some quirky quantum mechanical probability, the human soul exists as a waveform and has energy, wouldn't that energy be conserved? Have you considered the possibility of reassimilation, 5 and ½ of 13? :)
Where does the magnetism come
Where does the magnetism come from?
And you aren't by chance a Scientologist are you Ariane?
RE: verty, I don't know if
It's hardly helpful to me because it doesn't talk about any 'magnetic effect'. I was only interested in that, to know if magnetism plays any part in human biology.
It was also a challenge by me to Ariane to not spew quakery without supporting it. I had no expectation that it would elicit a response, and it didn't, so it was only the magnetic effect that interested me.
RE: Where does the
Heffed, it's very hard for me explaining things , i always talk about things i feel in my heart , i can't use here mathematical theorems or demonstrations just for sustaining my hypothesis or my discourses, it is
perhaps a sort of "clair-voyance" , sometimes things are so obvious that you
could not explaining it . It is perhaps a belief or a sort of vision of the
universe. Asking such question like where does the magnetism come from is like asking where does "God" or "Angels" come from . I see the universe as an eternal interactions of Energies, now where does the energy come from , i really don't know , energy simply exists and all things and all living bodies have their own magnetic camp , dead of alive , there is always a sort of exchange or displacement of energy . I don't know if such a vision of the world and the universe is labelled as Scientology , anyway if you call this point of view scientologism , in that case i am a scientologist without knowing it , because i don't know it corresponds exactly to what .
RE: The human mind is quite
Chipper , i'v consulted the link you gave , i v found some interesting
quotes of Guthrie , but anthropomorphism is not at all my vision of the universe , it is true that sometimes i talk to my pc or my dolls or my "peluches" and it is true that i respect my setar (instrument of music with
4 strings ) and i talk to it because its bowl reminds me my mother's head , but i never see the universe as an animal and i never confuse a frog with a pine cone, but i see everything and every living bodies in the world as a sign
and a message , having waves and energy . Piaget description and D.Hume vision
are very old fashioned point of view , i liked much more your quote about the
quantum mechanical probability . We live in the era of quantum physics which
has totally evolved the phylosophy and in every field we can apply it , for
exemple Deepak Chopra has used it in his medical career in "Quantum healing :
exploring the frontiers of mind/body medecine ", he has used quantum mechanic
in medical field but by joining the Sacred Books of Vedas very very ancient
in sanscrit . So i conclude that the very ancient metaphysics find their
explanation today in the era of quantum physics .
RE: Asking such question
Ariane actually there is a very good theory of how magnetism works. It is known as QED or Quantum Electro Dynamics. Among the things it QED tells us is that electric or magnetic fields come in two forms. Freely propagating fields like light and fields that have sources such a charges, currents and magnetic moments. The freely propagating fields do not hang around but move through any given region at the speed of light. The sourced fields will remain around as long as the sources remain active.
While living things generate electro-magnetic field the fields decay into the background along with the corpus.
verty, I recognized your
verty, I recognized your challenge and sought to join it by adding something tangible for Ariane to reply to, but I was focused on the 'after death' aspect (and other possible issues), and was in a bit of a rush this morning, and so I apologize for not saying this more clearly.
Ariane, thanks for your response.
But in the ancient metaphysics, the individual is endowed with a spirit, unique and enduring after death of the physical body. As Mark has already pointed out, the electromagnetic activity of a living creature ceases when the body dies. If the spirit exists and has spin-one qualities, would it linger? I'll know the answer to that with certainty someday, even if only for an instant, but I'm in no rush to find out...
RE: verty, I recognized
Chipper, thank you , i will meditate on your idea i will express later.