Hmm. My solution would be a small, networked fleet of marine automata whose primary purpose would be to convince any mammals in the area that it's time to frolic elsewhere. Secondarily, depending on the applicable laws, there would be provisions to disable any illegal fishing equipment that may be deployed, while simultaneously reporting time/location of its use to proper authorities. During the off-season, or while not presently engaged in the preservation of cherished marine life, the mini-fleet would collect and relay voluminous amounts of oceanographic and meteorological data – for the DC community that maintains the vigilance of monitoring and directing all the interactive undersea activities.
Laugh if you want, but it's not hard these days to build a few intelligent dinghies...
Looks Like there is a proposal to get a start on it :-) IPY
I would like to see this go ahead. The spin off would be technologies to explore
bodies in solar system cost effectivly. I hope I did not hijack this thread
That's totally cool!!
Keith mentioned diplomacy a while back, and it occurred to me that the diplomatic thing to do is get some state-of-the-art equipment to the fishermen, which will collect scientific data all year long, while helping the fishermen to harvest proper numbers of proper types of fish, during the proper seasons, without damaging any other parts of the ecosystem... It could happen :)
Everything tastes like crap when you don't know your way around the kitchen. Have you tried the smoked salmon? You should enjoy that, even without knowing how to use a fork. And there's always Carl's Jr. :-)
what does this have to do with Astronomy? Please, keep your green eco bullshit to yourself, no one is intersted about what a second grade "newS" website thinks... animals die every day, eaten by other animals... weather they are eaten by us, or a bigger animal, WHO CARES!!! they still die, they still suffer, they are still part of the life cycle...
i bet if the whole world turned vegan, you eco fruitcakes will start bitching about how the plants have feelings too...
The title of this discussion board is "Einstein Cafe," and as such it allows for a very wide range of topics among the participants of E@H which may have no bearing whatsoever to the project itself. If you took the time to notice, there are other discussion boards which are exclusively for E@H oriented topics.
On a more personal note, your post is offensive! Mr. Stanley brought to our attention something he feels strongly about, and wanted to share among his friends here, both rightly and properly. You are an arrogant fool for mounting such a personal attack on him and those who may agree with him, rather than politely offering your own, reasoned thoughts disagreeing with the premise of his posting.
Cheers Laurel...
I must have missed that post, I wonder if they have thought about a career in the Diplomatic Corp?
ok fine, maybe that was rude and i apologize, but you can't deny how blatantly one-sided and completely biased those two links are.
"laughtering hundreds and even thousands of dolphins right now."
-guess what, in canada, when they have the seal hunt, they slaughter tens of thousands of seals in TWO days... sorry, if i find a few hundred dolphins to maybe not be that huge in the grand scheme of things, when way more serious animal issues are all around us
"kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears."
-language ment to impress the simple minded... obviously it's doing a bang up job :)
"thrashing about, the dolphins take as long as six minutes to die. The water turns red with their blood and the air fills with their screams."
-more blatant 2nd grader attempts to instill empathy ... it would, if it wasn't insulting our intelligence with how clearly it's trying to emotionally manipulate those that dont know any better..
that's my beef here... if it was a SERIOUS article, i guarantee you we would not be having this conversation. i care about animals and their rights i think, as much as the next person, but i trully despise blatant political manipulation by single minded interest groups, and i hope you can make that difference
-language ment to impress the simple minded... obviously it's doing a bang up job :)
I remember being impressed as a small child, having then an even simpler mind, that most of the animals would run, scamper, or fly away from me, including squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and all the birds. So any animal that fetches and brings backs a stick or ball, is my friend, simple as that.
Some friends I have are better than other friends, making no distinction here about skin, color, fur, feathers, scales, or whatever.
And here are some simple words penned back in 1624 by John Donne (I changed “man's� to “animal's� and changed “mankind� to “the ecosystem�; it's simpler that way)
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any animal's death diminishes me, because I am involved in the ecosystem; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Any animal's death diminishes me, because I am involved in the ecosystem; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
any animal's death diminishes you? WOW! while i was typing this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten by other animals... it must KILL you to know that this is going on and you cant do anything about it...
you're proving my point exactly! there's nothing wrong with loving all life, and being pro conservation and protection of all species... by all means, i doubt you'll find many people who will deny that... but you and people like you take themselves WAAAAY to serious, and dont know when to stop... you're not pro-animal life, you're anti capitalism and global development... what do you propose? that we all eat veggies so that another animal's death doesnt diminish your sense of self worth?? Blanket statements like ALL ANIMAL KILLING IS EVIL are plain silly...
let me go back to the seal hunt in canada again, coz at least i sorta know something about it:
-for the majority of the year, except for when they have the annual hunts, hunting seals is illegal! This has helped A LOT in combating illegal pouching, and in protecting the baby seals from gettting killed. Thanks to this, the heards are thriving now, and the numbers have held stable for years.
This is a perfect example of how controlled animal killings help in the overall survival and developments of the heards!
But hey, maybe this is too complicated to understand, or maybe being in europe you're too separated from this... so i'll give you a second example
FOREST FIRES! Yes, in countries all around the world, controlled forest fires are set on purpose to replenish the forest, clear overgrown areas, and spur new growth... The immediate effect is that you're DESTROYING that local ecosystem, but in the long run you are actually creating new habitats for animals, and helping that area develop...
I would not be one bit surprised, if this shark hunt is A LOT MORE INVOLVED THAN WHAT A ONE PARAGRAPH ARTICLE selectively chooses to provide in an effort to prove it's point and touch a soft spot in people's hearts... even they mention that it's only legal to hunt them 6 months of the year, and that's very likely so exactly so as to give the dolphin populations time to recover, or at least bear young without being threatened...
to sum up... this dolphin hunt could be no different than our seal hunts, in terms of government protection and involvement in the protection of the species... but there are always the few that ignore most of the facts, and just take up blanket arguments like "any animal death diminishes me"... PLEASE!!
PS- nice attempt at incorporating some metallica wisdom in there lol
Any animal's death diminishes me, because I am involved in the ecosystem; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
any animal's death diminishes you? WOW! while i was typing this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten by other animals... it must KILL you to know that this is going on and you cant do anything about it...
you're proving my point exactly! there's nothing wrong with loving all life, and being pro conservation and protection of all species... by all means, i doubt you'll find many people who will deny that... but you and people like you take themselves WAAAAY to serious, and dont know when to stop... you're not pro-animal life, you're anti capitalism and global development... what do you propose? that we all eat veggies so that another animal's death doesnt diminish your sense of self worth?? Blanket statements like ALL ANIMAL KILLING IS EVIL are plain silly...
let me go back to the seal hunt in canada again, coz at least i sorta know something about it:
-for the majority of the year, except for when they have the annual hunts, hunting seals is illegal! This has helped A LOT in combating illegal pouching, and in protecting the baby seals from gettting killed. Thanks to this, the heards are thriving now, and the numbers have held stable for years.
This is a perfect example of how controlled animal killings help in the overall survival and developments of the heards!
But hey, maybe this is too complicated to understand, or maybe being in europe you're too separated from this... so i'll give you a second example
FOREST FIRES! Yes, in countries all around the world, controlled forest fires are set on purpose to replenish the forest, clear overgrown areas, and spur new growth... The immediate effect is that you're DESTROYING that local ecosystem, but in the long run you are actually creating new habitats for animals, and helping that area develop...
I would not be one bit surprised, if this shark hunt is A LOT MORE INVOLVED THAN WHAT A ONE PARAGRAPH ARTICLE selectively chooses to provide in an effort to prove it's point and touch a soft spot in people's hearts... even they mention that it's only legal to hunt them 6 months of the year, and that's very likely so exactly so as to give the dolphin populations time to recover, or at least bear young without being threatened...
to sum up... this dolphin hunt could be no different than our seal hunts, in terms of government protection and involvement in the protection of the species... but there are always the few that ignore most of the facts, and just take up blanket arguments like "any animal death diminishes me"... PLEASE!!
PS- nice attempt at incorporating some metallica wisdom in there lol
Well, Whorehey, if you want to pull out just one phrase to pick a bone with, what about the part where Europe is lessened if so much as a single clod of dirt washes into the sea? Do you think that's really, literally the case? (I'm an American living in California, by the way.)
You picked a single phrase, neglecting the rest, neglecting also the context (which is the whole thread), and then you proceeded to go on at length about a 'blanket statements', not one of which did I make: they're all your words and statements.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'metallica wisdom'; the wisdom I see in John Donne's words is this: we inhabit just one world, and spare parts are hard to come by. Slaughter or destruction, deemed senseless or inhumane, really ruffles my feathers.
But thanks for the feedback, Whorehey. It's hard for me to know what impression I give, without feedback. So let me just say that I've never hugged a tree, but have wrestled a couple (don't ask); and the burger that fills my belly certainly doesn't diminish me. But feel free to call me a nut if you want: I've caught insects of various kinds indoors on quite a few occasions so I could let them go outdoors to keep from killing anything unnecessarily :)
but there are always the few that ignore most of the facts, and just take up blanket arguments like "any animal death diminishes me"... PLEASE!!
Holy mackerel. Whorehey, if you knew me better, you'd know that I gather as many facts as I can, and that I do fairly well at it. That to which you refer as a 'blanket argument' is in reality just another fact. Give the statement back the context from which it came and see that 'death' therein is the kind that's senseless, or 'inhumane'. Then consider the fact that this world, compared to the cosmos, is no more than an insignificant speck of dust, except perhaps for the life that's evolving on it. Then do the maths, which as far as I can tell is as factual as it gets: count all the types of living creatures. If that number goes up, call it abundance; if it goes down, that's diminished. This is a simple fact that pertains to me, to you, and to everyone (for whom the bell tolls :). And John Donne had this figured out way back in the 1600s, as it applies to just one species, and he stated it most eloquently (that's my opinion).
Thank you for sharing this. I was unaware that even today such brutal tactics go on. (Why should we be surprised if we let the brutality of illegal and unjustified wars continue?) Having sailed beside dolphins, I know ehat gentle cratures they are.
Pretty sad you take Keith's concern about the dolphin hunt and politicize it....good job on ruining it. What illegal war would you be talking about by the way?
Founder of BOINC group, Objectivists, a group of philosophically minded rational data crunchers.
Are there any legal wars?
Does not detract from what is a barbaric practice by the Japanse though, surely? With all the resources of one of the most technicaly advanced societies in the modern world what is the need to slaughter any animal in such a manner?
RE: RE: RE: Can you
That's totally cool!!
Keith mentioned diplomacy a while back, and it occurred to me that the diplomatic thing to do is get some state-of-the-art equipment to the fishermen, which will collect scientific data all year long, while helping the fishermen to harvest proper numbers of proper types of fish, during the proper seasons, without damaging any other parts of the ecosystem... It could happen :)
Know why tuna fish tastes
Know why tuna fish tastes like crap now?
It's Dolphin free.....
RE: Know why tuna fish
Everything tastes like crap when you don't know your way around the kitchen. Have you tried the smoked salmon? You should enjoy that, even without knowing how to use a fork. And there's always Carl's Jr. :-)
RE: RE: RE: what does
ok fine, maybe that was rude and i apologize, but you can't deny how blatantly one-sided and completely biased those two links are.
"laughtering hundreds and even thousands of dolphins right now."
-guess what, in canada, when they have the seal hunt, they slaughter tens of thousands of seals in TWO days... sorry, if i find a few hundred dolphins to maybe not be that huge in the grand scheme of things, when way more serious animal issues are all around us
"kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears."
-language ment to impress the simple minded... obviously it's doing a bang up job :)
"thrashing about, the dolphins take as long as six minutes to die. The water turns red with their blood and the air fills with their screams."
-more blatant 2nd grader attempts to instill empathy ... it would, if it wasn't insulting our intelligence with how clearly it's trying to emotionally manipulate those that dont know any better..
that's my beef here... if it was a SERIOUS article, i guarantee you we would not be having this conversation. i care about animals and their rights i think, as much as the next person, but i trully despise blatant political manipulation by single minded interest groups, and i hope you can make that difference
RE: -language ment to
I remember being impressed as a small child, having then an even simpler mind, that most of the animals would run, scamper, or fly away from me, including squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and all the birds. So any animal that fetches and brings backs a stick or ball, is my friend, simple as that.
Some friends I have are better than other friends, making no distinction here about skin, color, fur, feathers, scales, or whatever.
And here are some simple words penned back in 1624 by John Donne (I changed “man's� to “animal's� and changed “mankind� to “the ecosystem�; it's simpler that way)
RE: RE: Any animal's
any animal's death diminishes you? WOW! while i was typing this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten by other animals... it must KILL you to know that this is going on and you cant do anything about it...
you're proving my point exactly! there's nothing wrong with loving all life, and being pro conservation and protection of all species... by all means, i doubt you'll find many people who will deny that... but you and people like you take themselves WAAAAY to serious, and dont know when to stop... you're not pro-animal life, you're anti capitalism and global development... what do you propose? that we all eat veggies so that another animal's death doesnt diminish your sense of self worth?? Blanket statements like ALL ANIMAL KILLING IS EVIL are plain silly...
let me go back to the seal hunt in canada again, coz at least i sorta know something about it:
-for the majority of the year, except for when they have the annual hunts, hunting seals is illegal! This has helped A LOT in combating illegal pouching, and in protecting the baby seals from gettting killed. Thanks to this, the heards are thriving now, and the numbers have held stable for years.
This is a perfect example of how controlled animal killings help in the overall survival and developments of the heards!
But hey, maybe this is too complicated to understand, or maybe being in europe you're too separated from this... so i'll give you a second example
FOREST FIRES! Yes, in countries all around the world, controlled forest fires are set on purpose to replenish the forest, clear overgrown areas, and spur new growth... The immediate effect is that you're DESTROYING that local ecosystem, but in the long run you are actually creating new habitats for animals, and helping that area develop...
I would not be one bit surprised, if this shark hunt is A LOT MORE INVOLVED THAN WHAT A ONE PARAGRAPH ARTICLE selectively chooses to provide in an effort to prove it's point and touch a soft spot in people's hearts... even they mention that it's only legal to hunt them 6 months of the year, and that's very likely so exactly so as to give the dolphin populations time to recover, or at least bear young without being threatened...
to sum up... this dolphin hunt could be no different than our seal hunts, in terms of government protection and involvement in the protection of the species... but there are always the few that ignore most of the facts, and just take up blanket arguments like "any animal death diminishes me"... PLEASE!!
PS- nice attempt at incorporating some metallica wisdom in there lol
RE: RE: RE: Any
Well, Whorehey, if you want to pull out just one phrase to pick a bone with, what about the part where Europe is lessened if so much as a single clod of dirt washes into the sea? Do you think that's really, literally the case? (I'm an American living in California, by the way.)
You picked a single phrase, neglecting the rest, neglecting also the context (which is the whole thread), and then you proceeded to go on at length about a 'blanket statements', not one of which did I make: they're all your words and statements.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'metallica wisdom'; the wisdom I see in John Donne's words is this: we inhabit just one world, and spare parts are hard to come by. Slaughter or destruction, deemed senseless or inhumane, really ruffles my feathers.
But thanks for the feedback, Whorehey. It's hard for me to know what impression I give, without feedback. So let me just say that I've never hugged a tree, but have wrestled a couple (don't ask); and the burger that fills my belly certainly doesn't diminish me. But feel free to call me a nut if you want: I've caught insects of various kinds indoors on quite a few occasions so I could let them go outdoors to keep from killing anything unnecessarily :)
RE: but there are always
Holy mackerel. Whorehey, if you knew me better, you'd know that I gather as many facts as I can, and that I do fairly well at it. That to which you refer as a 'blanket argument' is in reality just another fact. Give the statement back the context from which it came and see that 'death' therein is the kind that's senseless, or 'inhumane'. Then consider the fact that this world, compared to the cosmos, is no more than an insignificant speck of dust, except perhaps for the life that's evolving on it. Then do the maths, which as far as I can tell is as factual as it gets: count all the types of living creatures. If that number goes up, call it abundance; if it goes down, that's diminished. This is a simple fact that pertains to me, to you, and to everyone (for whom the bell tolls :). And John Donne had this figured out way back in the 1600s, as it applies to just one species, and he stated it most eloquently (that's my opinion).
RE: Keith~ Thank you for
Pretty sad you take Keith's concern about the dolphin hunt and politicize it....good job on ruining it. What illegal war would you be talking about by the way?
Founder of BOINC group, Objectivists, a group of philosophically minded rational data crunchers.
Are there any legal
Are there any legal wars?
Does not detract from what is a barbaric practice by the Japanse though, surely? With all the resources of one of the most technicaly advanced societies in the modern world what is the need to slaughter any animal in such a manner?