Parallella, Raspberry Pi, FPGA & All That Stuff

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RE: I got my Enzotech


I got my Enzotech heatsinks and have swapped out a few Pi2's (replaced with Pi3's) and a B+ (replaced by a Pi2). Apart from swapping the remaining Pi2 out for a Pi3 I am also considering swapping my two Parallellas for Pi3's.

I am thinking of trying to setup a Beowulf cluster with the now redundant Pi2's to play with. I've seen a few tutorials on the web. I am not sure if I can make it do anything useful though. What we need is a BOINC client that can run on a cluster and get the compute nodes to run the tasks.

I can't be of much help here as my reading and experimenting with clusters was a long time ago. But I do remember that a true MPI cluster is really of limited use because apps have to written to use it. Can be fun to play with and to learn though. I had a not-a-true cluster that I ran on. They have a proxy software that manages all the work units for your machines.

So I had a command node that ran the proxy and clusterit. Clusterit runs on the command node and all the slave nodes. Easy but a bit tedious to set up if you have more than 3 nodes. But you login to the command node and issue commands on it and it executes on all the others. So I had 6 machines but only had to log in to one via ssh and I could flush caches, copy files from command node to all the other nodes and other tasks with one command. It was fun. Of course all of them have to be on one network and setup the same and the command node has to be on 2 networks. Of course you do not need to run This was before WCG came online so 11+ years ago.

I encourage you to play around though. You will learn a lot and it is fun. Nice thing about RPi. Just plug in whatever SD card and it can be something different for awhile and then go back to work crunching when you are done playing. Love it.


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@bikeman3.1416 love it.


love it. lol

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: Did you find that the

Did you find that the display "just worked" or did you have to use the crazy hacked adafruit kernel?

The German shop that I got it from had a downloadable installer that did all the necessary installation and configuration, just on top of the official Raspbian kernel. It was rather painless to install. Look sexactly like the Adafruit display, tho.


Also, any updates on any of the Pi Beta Units (gravitational wave, new embedded Wisdom, etc)?

I'm testing the GW search on some of my PIs. Some optimizations I tried broke the validation with other results, the fastest validating versions take about 6.7 days on a Pi3, running 4 in parallel. That is too long to launch this app on E@H (deadline is 14 days for sending back results), we would get a lot of complaints from people who are not babysitting their BOINC installations and would not notice when tasks miss the deadline etc. But after I can convince myself that the app is running with a reasonably low validation error rate, I can publish instructions how to build the app and use it under the anonymous platform mechanism of BOINC.

I hope I will find time soon to make public some changes in the BRP code that would allow a more flexible wisdom file handling.


Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: @bikeman3.1416 love



love it. lol

Very cool indeed! I've got two (who don't like at all to be separated, e.g. at the vet), so I would have to carry one on each shoulder :-)


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RE: any progress with

any progress with Ubuntu Mate? Tomorrow Unbuntu 16 make its debut in desktop/server format - but probably not raspi.

My adventures continued to the desktop. Ubuntu 16.04 would present garbled graphics then lockup. After trying twice I got Ubuntu Mate for x64 and we are getting along great. Again this is on a desktop PC not RPi. Gnome 2 feels like an old friend and many of the Ubuntu features are present. Looks like a keeper. I had Mint Cinnamon on it but GUI was laggy, at times unresponsive. Mint Cinnamon runs fine on my AMD E450 laptop though. Nice to have choices.

Daughter picked up a 12 port USB charger at Amazon outlet. No name. No reviews. Has 4 3.5A ports, 4 2.5A ports and 4 1.5A ports. Claims a total of 12A. Chicken that I am I only have one plugged into it but it has been fine so far. Will add another then another. I would hate to lose all my Pi to one device.

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Raspberry Pi 3: Fan and

Raspberry Pi 3: Fan and Cooling Tests

Same guy as last youtube link this time using a fan and a rather nice home made frame/platform for the Pi. Says next time it will be larger, hopefully more effective passive attempts.


RE: Raspberry Pi 3: Fan and


Raspberry Pi 3: Fan and Cooling Tests

Same guy as last youtube link this time using a fan and a rather nice home made frame/platform for the Pi. Says next time it will be larger, hopefully more effective passive attempts.

Interesting. I noted his ambient air temp - 27C (80F)

I recently added 14x14x9 heat sinks to my 5 Pi3s. All are in the same room with an ambient air temp of 26C (80F) and are running 4 concurrent WUs. All are in tunnels cooled by a 81mm fan and the heat sinks.

pive1 54 C
pive2 50 C
pive3 51 C
pive4 51 C

long tunnel with mSATA USB drive 55 C.
This tunnel is longer to accommodate the mSATA drive. Possibly this and any heat generated by the drive explains a higher temperature.

A Pi2 in a tunnel (no heat sink) in the same room running 3 WUs is running around 39-40C. I thought it was running 4 WUs but it is not. Thought I had changed it but apparently not.

These temps are lower then what was achived in this video but I am not running the same test script for loading as he is running so that might account for the difference. Temperatures also fluctuate with time of day with the afternoon being slightly cooler because the room in question is on the east side of the house.

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Milestones Yesterday Adam

Milestones Yesterday
Adam Socki_Pi passed 7,000
Bikeman3.1416 passed 3,000

Milestones Today
Raspberry Pi passes 500,000
PG3.14 passes 20,000
Bikeman3.1416 passes 4,000

Woot! Yay team!

lol it's kinda like cheering kids on in a competition. You are so proud of the little fellas. ;-)

Adam Socki
Adam Socki
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RE: Interesting. But when

Interesting. But when using thermal paste that is not sticky, how do you keep the heat sink in place, as there are no mounting holes?

It seems to be holding quite well. The thermal sink is so tiny that movement of the sink seems to not be an issue. I've even been hanging it vertical for several weeks and no slippage. :P

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RE: Milestones


Milestones Yesterday
Adam Socki_Pi passed 7,000
Bikeman3.1416 passed 3,000

Milestones Today
Raspberry Pi passes 500,000
PG3.14 passes 20,000
Bikeman3.1416 passes 4,000

Woot! Yay team!

lol it's kinda like cheering kids on in a competition. You are so proud of the little fellas. ;-)

I meant the little computers not the participants. Read that a second time and I took it wrong. So just to clarify the RPi NOT you. :-/

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