
Tom M
Tom M
Joined: 2 Feb 06
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RandyC wrote: Tom M

RandyC wrote:

Tom M wrote:

Maybe we want a dialect of American?

Took a couple of days to get it: a DIAL-ect of American! Ha!

Press 1 for Southern; press 2 for Bronx, etc.

Like the Alcoholic said "I may be slow but I am certainly 'unsteady'".

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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My son got a part in a school

My son got a part in a school play as a chap that’s been married 25 years. I said never mind son you might get a speaking part next time



Tom M
Tom M
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Oh, dear. ;)

Oh, dear. ;)

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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The World Ruler Twanging

The World Ruler Twanging championship inaugural competition is due to be held next year, somewhere in the Dordogne.

And the International Rubber-Band-Flicking Jamboree is taking place in PyongYang


Joined: 29 Oct 06
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A woman on the bus tried to

A woman on the bus tried to start a conversation with me yesterday. "Do you have any pets?" she said. "A goldfish!" I played along. "What about hobbies?" she continued. My "He likes swimming." pretty much ended it.


Tom M
Tom M
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A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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I'm currently experiencing

I'm currently experiencing life at several WTF's per hour.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

Tom M
Tom M
Joined: 2 Feb 06
Posts: 6917
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RAC: 4374390

RandyC wrote: I'm currently

RandyC wrote:

I'm currently experiencing life at several WTF's per hour.

Are you getting paid by the WTF per hour?  It MIGHT be lucrative...

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Tom M
Tom M
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Posts: 6917
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RAC: 4374390

Morning is between midnight

Morning is between midnight and noon.

And it comes too early!

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Tom M
Tom M
Joined: 2 Feb 06
Posts: 6917
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RAC: 4374390

Carpet bombing - n, 1) what

Carpet bombing - n, 1) what you do to get rid of fleas. 2) what you do to get rid of carpets. 3) the act of dropping carpets on something.

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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