Keith has an Arm/Nvidia app that he runs on his Jetson Nanos. for the BRP4/G apps. it's not official and is anonymous platform only, like our other special apps. hypothetically, they could also be compiled for Arm/Nvidia. there's just little reason to since you can probably count the number of people with such a platform contributing to Einstein on one hand.
Keith has an Arm/Nvidia app that he runs on his Jetson Nanos. for the BRP4/G apps. it's not official and is anonymous platform only, like our other special apps. hypothetically, they could also be compiled for Arm/Nvidia. there's just little reason to since you can probably count the number of people with such a platform contributing to Einstein on one hand.
I got that there was no demand for Arm/Nvidia apps.
As long as x86 CPU's dominate consumer windows desktops I expect boinc apps to trend that way too.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Keith Myers wrote: Since you
Do you own one yet, or 'have one for testing'?
mikey wrote:Keith Myers
I am not certain if they are shipping them yet. Plus we might need an app compiled for ARC under Windows to get any decent production.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
If I am understanding it right this is complete workup getting to a desktop ARM experience.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Since the Raspberry PI is an
Since the Raspberry PI is an arm CPU system I think would bring the conversation that is over in technical news here.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
ASRock Rack ALTRAD8U-1L2T is
Serve the Home article about the ASRock Rack mATX motherboard for the Ampere Altra Max.
I wish I had a bigger budget
I wish I had a bigger budget to experiment with :)
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
My impression is there are no
My impression is there are no ARM/Nvidia GPU applications?
And the ARM CPU apps are not running O3 data?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Keith has an Arm/Nvidia app
Keith has an Arm/Nvidia app that he runs on his Jetson Nanos. for the BRP4/G apps. it's not official and is anonymous platform only, like our other special apps. hypothetically, they could also be compiled for Arm/Nvidia. there's just little reason to since you can probably count the number of people with such a platform contributing to Einstein on one hand.
Ian&Steve C. wrote: Keith
I got that there was no demand for Arm/Nvidia apps.
As long as x86 CPU's dominate consumer windows desktops I expect boinc apps to trend that way too.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
What is not clear to me is what's "cloud load" looks like compared to a data center load?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).