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The client show me this : "Unrecoverable error for result ... (No hay subprocesos a esperar. (0x80) - exit code 128 (...
8th March 2005
Nimbar started discussion Certificates?
Hello from Einstein@Home Spain ! , today I had a suggestion from a spanish user , he asked if there is any kind of...
6th March 2005
Hola !! , si !!! claro es la web en español sobre el einstein@home y también la del grupo...
22nd February 2005
Nimbar started discussion Spanish International Page
Hey people , I run the spanish international page and actually it's down for a couple of hours due to a server upgrading...
21st February 2005
Nimbar commented on Team Web Pages
It's great ! , your help is very welcomed . Could you tell me more about the hosting features? space bw mysl ads...
16th February 2005