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Quote:Quote:(in an email from my parents) MY CONFESSION(snip) - - - crikey, so much more to think about! LOL, that is...
13th August 2007
It was Week 241, nice pics, good background on gravity wave detection, mentions the LIGOs being in their seventh science...
13th August 2007
Basically, there are lots of exciting new theories which, as Tullio alluded, attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics with...
13th August 2007
Chipper Q commented on LHC
Quote:Quote:Good article, thanks for posting it. Do you know if they're making progress & on schedule with...
13th August 2007
Chipper Q commented on LHC
Good article, thanks for posting it. Do you know if they're making progress & on schedule with replacing the magnets...
5th August 2007