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Quote:Ok, here's the long awaited ( ? ) solution to the crossword! Read em & weep .... :-) Ahhh, heterodyning...
4th February 2008
Chipper Q commented on Quiet Lasers
Quote:Article on www.physorg.comQuote:"Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics and Leibniz...
26th January 2008
Quote:Quote:Good one Es! I've sent in mine, got most of 'em I think, but there were a bunch of brain-rackers I couldn...
25th January 2008
Chipper Q commented on RIP Dogbytes
aww, that's sad news! Quote:He was a very kind person, but he was suffering from very poor health.. I think in his...
24th January 2008
Quote:Quote:Oh..I forgot about it!! ..I did half of it then put it down and I haven't had a moment to take another...
24th January 2008