I'm a middle aged local family doctor in the Aussie bush. I did a science Bachelor degree with physics major ( math sub-major ) in the late 70's. I still have my first PC ( 2MHz 8088 ! ) lying around in the shed somewhere. I've been mucking about with computers at home for years and it helps at work too. We live on a hillside within a beautiful mountain range with great views, where the birds are doing rather well.
It's clearly a cutting edge project, about as 'pure' as science as can be. I think I should mention that I personally have been less than impressed with some explanations from other projects as to whether any results ( or benefit thereof ) will be in the public domain upon completion. They know who they are, and my PC will not be assisting them. I am pleased in the knowledge that my PC WILL assist with any discovery in the nascent field of gravitational wave astronomy - which it WILL even "if only" attending to calibration/control/background issues. I hope that I have correctly gathered that in such a new area of study, what is normal vs exceptional or background vs. signal has yet to be well defined. I don't seek any attribution for such contribution - a satisfied warm inner glow will do :-) The screen saver is cool! I hope some really surprising phenomena are found, in addition to the expected!
2016 : Yup the waves were found. So now I await E@H's first GW signal recognition.
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