Geboren 1964 in Wrisbergholzen Studiert in Berlin (Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik) Arbeiten in Bremen bei der swb Kühn zu berechnen, was kein anderer Rechner vorher berechnet hat!
Born 1964 in Wrisbergholzen Studied at TU Berlin (Energy and Process Engineering) Working at swb in Bremen To boldly crunch what no CPU has crunched before!
Why do you run Einstein@Home? Because it's imho more relevant science than alien search. And still close related to it;-) What are your views about the project? Keep on proving Uncle Albert right! Any suggestions? Not yet.
Name | Avg credit | Total credit |
SETI@home | 0 | 33.3k |
Einstein@Home | 0 | 33.0M | | 0 | 4.17M |
LHC@home | 0 | 501k |
Rosetta@home | 0 | 825k |
PrimeGrid | 0 | 783k |
World Community Grid | 3,007 | 8.50M |
Pirates@Home | 4 | 2,406 |
SETI@home Beta | 0 | 53.7k |
RALPH@Home | 0 | 67.4k |
WEP-M+2 | 0 | 2,142 |
Cosmology@Home | 0 | 354k |
Enigma@Home | 0 | 342k |
yoyo@home | 0 | 424k |
MilkyWay@home | 0 | 29.4M |
Quake Catcher Network | 0 | 22.5k |
AlmereGrid Boinc Grid | 0 | 60.8k |
WUProp@Home | 46 | 461k |
GPUGRID | 0 | 23.7M |
Albert@Home | 0 | 601k |
RNA World | 0 | 456k |
Moo! Wrapper | 0 | 11.5k |
YAFU | 0 | 564k |
Radioactive@Home | 142 | 646k |
nanosurf | 32 | 7,662 |
Asteroids@home | 2,279 | 6.52M |
TN-Grid | 0 | 1.11M |
SRBase | 1,580 | 351k |
DENIS@Home | 1,580 | 351k |
123numbers | 0 | 3,359 |
odlk | 0 | 66.4k |
RakeSearch | 0 | 11.1k |
ODLK1 | 0 | 25.9k |
Tomá Brada Experimental Grid | 0 | 12.8k |
iThena Measurements | 186 | 268k |
SiDock@home | 6,043 | 2.59M |
LODA | 466 | 377k |
Gaia@home | 2,841 | 1.78M |
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